September 19, 2013

Acadia Part 4 - Bar Harbor

Bar Harbor is THE town in Acadia, famous and expensive but beautiful and interesting, with lots of little stores, antiques store, galleries, restaurants, cafes you name it. We went there on a Sunday morning due to a cloudiness and because I wanted to buy some sweaters for the boys. Besides that we were looking for a nice place to have some coffee and wanted to stroll around the harbor.

Das bekannteste Städtchen vom Acadia NP ist Bar Harbor. Ein kleiner sehr gepflegter Ort mit vielen kleinen Geschäften, Antiquitäten Läden, Restaurants und Cafés einfach alles was das Herz sich wünscht. Uns führte es am Sonntag morgen da hin, da es zum einen Teil recht bewölkt war und ich den Jungs noch warme Sweatshirts kaufen wollte für den Herbst. Davon abgesehen das unser Kaffee mittlerweile aufgebracht war und mein Körper kräftig nach Koffein lechzte. 

"Mom, why is there a car in the house"
"I don't know hon"
"But you needed to know!!!"

The harbor was mystical with all the fogginess. It was beautiful and felt unbelievably peaceful while sitting there and looking on the ocean.

Father and Son :)

This is the kind of house I really would love to live in, simply beautiful.

Still one more Post to come and than there are waiting more than hundred pictures from our North Conway trip. 

xoxo J.

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